We've all heard the quote "life begins outside of your comfort zone," "get comfortable being uncomfortable," and "enjoy the little things," but do we apply these in our daily lives? Do you really stop what you are doing and think "oh wow, that one quote, life begins outside of your comfort zone... this makes me uncomfortable but maybe I should do this so I can experience life." No, we don't. But we can all look back on situations and think, "I wish I had done this, I wish this was different."
My sister's church was going to a Beth Moore Conference in Boone and she invited me to tag along. "Sis, I don't want to ride with a bunch of strangers. I'm not very people-y. Fine I'll ride with y'all..." Famous last words....
Boone is about five hours from home. Here we are, eight women stuck in a church van. About two hours in, our church van decided to give us a run for our money and wouldn't start, so we did what any group of girls would do, we stood on the side of the road to take a picture of us pretending to hitchhike, because, why not. The other memory I have in the van ride is we did an activity where we each shared an area of life where we truly felt God's hand (this isn't exact, but it was definitely the theme of what we shared). I couldn't tell you what everyone said, but I shared (in between the tears) that I was proud of my sister, for the first time in a long time, because she was active in church, sober, and living right. My sister, also in tears, shared how glad she was that her and I were able to reconnect, because it had been hard for us to connect for so long. Funny how if I had stuck to my guns, and drove by myself, I would not have these precious memories that I can now look back on.
I believe it was our first night at the conference, which is why I think it struck such a chord with me, but Beth's team had index cards taped to the bottom of every seat. Wouldn't you know my card read:
“Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. - Matthew 11:28
Jesus knows that we need REST. If we don't get it, we come apart mentally
and physically. Rest in the Lord"
I mean really... I had been tired. That kind of tired where you just feel it in your bones. At this point, I had been married about a year and a half, and like any newly married couple, we were working out some kinks. I was having health problems and had started a job where I was not appreciated by my boss. It was a lot for me. (I'm laughing as I type this, knowing that God was using this season to prepare me for everything ahead. Looking back, what I felt was the beginning of tired. Not the mama-of-two-and caregiver tired that I know today). I don't believe it was by mistake that I had that specific card taped to the bottom of my seat.
I don't think things in life are coincidence. There have been a lot of trials and tribulations in my life, but I can say that without a doubt, I can look back and see God's hand at work. Wherever you are as you go through your day to day rituals, ride in the church van. Take the detour. Find a way to rest. No matter what season you are experiencing in life, you are simply being prepared for the next trial. Find rest in knowing whose you are. You never know what connections you will make on your journey if you just stop, enjoy, and rest.