I had a great childhood, I grew up in church for the first 16 years of my life. I had a great life. I was heavy in sports, all star student - the most perfect kid you could think of, that's what I was.
I just lost my way. My parents got divorced when I was 16, and I started getting into trouble. I started smoking pot and using steroids, and got kicked off the baseball team. MY life just took a big left turn. I got hard into drugs when I was about 19 years old and stayed that way until I was about 40. I was an awful person, someone you would not want to be around. I sold a lot of drugs and did a lot of drugs. I broke families, friends, and relationships. I was an awful person.
I was laying in bed one night with a pocket full of money. I had a choice to make. I begged God to let me die, but He had another plan for me. I had been talking to my cousin and reached out to him, we had been talking on and off for about a year and a half. If you know me, you know I don't half-way anything, but I was ready for a change. My cousin got me set up and got me into rehab. It was a tough couple of weeks when I went there, I was bad off. I had been there for about a month and a half and things were starting to look up for me. My sister called me. My mother wasn't doing well and was going in for emergency surgery. I had to make a choice to go to the hospital then or when she passed away. I made the decision to see my mom, I tried to talk to her, but she had a breathing tube and all. 22 days she didn't eat. Eventually, she looked at me and my sister and said “no more.” I thought getting sober was one of the toughest things I would ever have to do, but I flew back to rehab to finish what I had started. Three days after I got back, I was at the chapel at rehab. I had been distancing myself and coming to grips with what was about to happen. I received the news that my mom had passed and was with the Lord. I finished my stint at rehab.
I called my pastor to get into one of the church houses. He opened up his arms to me. He has been leading me and guiding me and pointing me in the right direction as far as what I should do with my life, how I should stay in my Bible and be in church, just really how to be a really good Christian man. I've been here over a year and a half and a little over 19 months clean now. The Lord knew what He was doing when He wouldnt let me go. October 31 is my sobriety date. When I decided to go, I didn't tell anyone. I just kinda snuck off. What I’m getting at is, He knew what He was doing when He took my mom like He did. If I was out, doing what I was doing before, I wouldn't be here. Me and God on are on speaking terms these days. I am forever grateful.
Matthew 7:7 Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you