"Tell me where could I run from Your light, where could I hide? Hemmed within Your precious thoughts, there's no hiding from Your love. Highs and lows, Lord, You're with me either way it goes. Should I rise or should I fall? Even so, Lord, Your mercy is an even flow, You're too good to let me go."
My mother was in ICU, it was touch and go. I was at the hospital very early that morning due to the circumstances, and my face very visibly showed my distraught. I sat on a bench outside, trying to calm down while taking in the cool morning air. A woman noticed me, and came up and gave me a hug. I remember she said something to the effect of "whatever it is, it's going to be ok." She said her goodbyes, and walked off. Moments later, "My Girl" by The Temptations was blasting from a car stereo. The same woman, whom I had never met before, pulled up and did her best to put a smile on my face. She gave me the only tangible gift she had in her car, a pink unicorn blanket. Unbeknownst to me, I was pregnant with my little girl at the time. The kindness this stranger offered was only something that could have been sent to me from above. I got into my car, and Highs and Lows by Hillsong United came on. His timing is always perfect.
Let's face it, no matter who we are, at some point, we have found ourselves in dire circumstances. Our circumstances could be life changing, we could be down on our luck, or maybe we are just having a bad day. Whatever the case may be, we have to stop, take a breath, and truly rely on God. Lamentations 3 shows exactly this, in the depths of despair, we must rely on the Lord. "I will never forget this awful time as I grieve over my loss, yet I still dare to hope when I remember this: The faithful love of the Lord never ends. Great is His faithfulness; His mercies begin afresh each morning...The Lord is good to those who depend on Him, to those who search for Him." Lamentations 3:20-25
Even when we feel completely alone, forgotten and forsaken, we must cling to the promise that God is faithful and truly acknowledge that He is actually weeping with us. John 11:35 shows us that Jesus wept with Mary and Martha. He didn't immediately offer a miracle, comfort, or reassurance. He felt anger, was deeply troubled, and He wept with His friends. Because we know that Jesus is weeping with us, and is deeply troubled at the unfortunate circumstances we are in, we can find assurance in His presence. We know that no matter what dark force is lingering over us, He has already chased us down. He is beside us and we must hold close our faith and persevere through the trials we are in.
"When it feels like the dark lingers longer than the night, when the shadows feel like giants, are You chasing me down? Tell me where could I run from Your light, where could I hide? Hemmed within Your precious thoughts, there's no hiding from Your love"
God knows all of our struggles. He knows every trial and triumph we will encounter while we are still in the womb. The devil will try his best to convince you that you are alone and forsaken, left alone in your pit of misery and misfortune. Don't believe his deception.
"Should I dance on the heights or make my bed among the depths, Your mercy waits at every end, like You planned it from the start. Should the dawn come with wings, or find me far-side of the sea, there Your hand still fastens me ever closer to Your heart... Lord, You're with me either way it goes"
The presence of tribulation does not equal His absence. Quite the opposite.
Dare to hope, my friend.
*Italicized lyrics belong to Hillsong United.*